Lagrangian principle of fluid dynamics nptel pdf

This collection of videos was created about half a century ago to explain fluid mechanics in an accessible way for undergraduate engineering and physics students. Chapter 4 describes the dynamics of a particlebased fluid simulation in full, and implementation details along with physical secrets are reviled in chapter 5. With respect to under graduate syllabus in aerospace. The lagrangian and eulerian specifications of the kinematics and dynamics of the flow field are related by the material derivative also called the lagrangian derivative, convective derivative, substantial derivative, or particle derivative. Lagrangian density equations of singlefluid and twofluid flows. Fluid has many important properties, such as velocity, pressure, temperature, density and viscosity. Pdf lagrangian density equations of singlefluid and two. In the eulerian picture the velocity of the points the velocity of an observer in a.

Secondly, at any point within a static fluid, the pressure is the same in all directions. Problem in a onedimensional flow field, the velocity at a. All laws in continuum mechanics depart from a cv analysis i. In principle, the lagrangian method of description can always be derived from the eulerian method. The objective of this book is to contribute to specialized literature with the most significant results obtained by the author in continuous mechanics and astrophysics. Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that studies fluids and forces on them having numerous applications in our everyday life.

In continuum mechanics, the generalized lagrangian mean glm is a formalism developed by d. Tzarigradsko chaussee 72 1784 so a, bulgaria email address. First that we should try to express the state of the mechanical system using the minimum representation possible and which re ects the fact that the physics of the problem is coordinateinvariant. Introduction to basic principles of fluid mechanics i. This additivity states that the equations of motion of part a can not be dependent on. Mechanics is that lagrangian mechanics is introduced in its. In classical field theories, the lagrangian specification of the field is a way of looking at fluid motion where the observer follows an individual fluid parcel as it moves through space and time. Lagrangian and eulerian descriptions, vibrations of a stretched string. Mcintyre 1978a, 1978b to unambiguously split a motion into a mean part and an oscillatory part. Experimental fluid dynamics observations are sometimes derived based on the assumption that the streamwise velocity components for several spacings within the energycontaining range have a joint normal gaussian pdf. An important concept is that the equations of motion of classical mechanics can be based on a variational principle. A lagrangian method for calculating the dynamics of an. If the density of fluid is constant or the change is very small, we call the fluid is incompressible fluid. It so transcends its origin that the lagrangian is considered the fundamental object which describes a quantum eld theory.

Abstract computational fluid dynamics is a hot topic in computer graphics. Pipe flow part iv lecture 59 principle of similarity and dynamical analysis part i lecture 60 principle of similarity and dynamical analysis part ii. Lecture notes in classical mechanics pdf 125p download. The method is applicable to both linear and nonlinear systems. Generally, the particle models can be classified as either eulerian or lagrangian methods while each has its own pros and cons. Hamiltons principle, from which the equations of motion will be derived. Chapter 2 lagranges and hamiltons equations in this chapter, we consider two reformulations of newtonian mechanics, the lagrangian and the hamiltonian formalism. Lagrangian fluid dynamics using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Generalized coordinates and lagranges equations 5 6 derivation of hamiltons principle from dalemberts principle the variation of the potentential energy vr may be expressed in terms of variations of the coordinates r i. Lagrangian and eulerian specification of the flow field. An introduction to lagrangian mechanics begins with a proper historical perspective on the lagrangian method by presenting fermats principle of least time as an introduction to the calculus of variations as well as the principles of maupertuis, jacobi, and dalembert that preceded hamiltons formulation of the principle of least action, from. Specifying a fluid motion in terms of the position xt of an individual particle identified by its initial position, say is called the lagrangian specification. Fluid statics, kinematics of fluid, conservation equations and analysis of finite control volume, equations of motion and mechanical energy, principles of physical similarity and dimensional analysis, flow of ideal fluids viscous incompressible flows, laminar boundary layers, turbulent flow, applications of viscous flows.

A moving fluid particle experiences two rates of changes. This video lecture, part of the series classical physics by prof. Fluid is defined as any gas or liquid that adapts shape of its container. Applications of fluid mechanics in our everyday life are a lot and there are some which we observe but we didnt notice. If you have watched this lecture and know what it is about, particularly what physics topics are discussed, please help us by commenting on this video with your suggested. In chapter 1, we derived the equations of fluid motion from hamiltons principle of stationary action, emphasizing its logical simplicity and the resulting close correspondence between mechanics and.

The computational fluid dynamics cfd methods has been widely used in modeling particle transport and distribution in enclosed spaces. Surface force on an arbitrary small surface element embedded in the fluid, with area. The method gives a mixed eulerian lagrangian description for the flow field, but appointed to fixed eulerian coordinates. In fluid dynamics, fluid kinematicsis the study of how fluids flow and how to describe fluid motion. Physical volume is the system of an infinite number of infinitely small of particles and always at each point in time consists of the same particles. The nature of the book is largely determined by the fact that it describes fluid dynamics. An introduction to lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics. The surface on which the stick rests is frictionless, so the stick slips. In fluid dynamics as a continuum, it is necessary to generalise the laws of conservation of the material particles on material volume.

Plotting the position of an individual parcel through time gives the pathline of the parcel. Consequently, lagrangian mechanics becomes the centerpiece of the course and provides a continous thread throughout the text. Mano bulgarian academy of sciences institute for nuclear research and nuclear energy department of theoretical physics blvd. The emergence of observing systems such as acousticallytracked floats in the deep ocean, and surface drifters navigating by satellite, has seen renewed interest in lagrangian fluid dynamics. Balakrishnan, does not currently have a detailed description and video lecture title. However, in coordinate systems where the kinetic energy depends on the position and velocity of some generalized coordinates, qt and q. Computational fluid dynamics cfd is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and data structures to analyze and solve problems that involve fluid flows. Chapter 7 lagrangian formulation of electrodynamics we would like to give a lagrangian formulation of electrodynamics. Lagrangian and eulerian representations of fluid flow. Lagrangian mechanics our introduction to quantum mechanics will be based on its correspondence to classical mechanics. Fluid mechanics has to be taken in bitesized pieces, topics, but i also had the uneasy.

Only a good knowledge of classical newtonian mechanics is assumed. Part of the power of the lagrangian formulation over the newtonian approach is that it does away with vectors in favour of more general coordinates. However, newtons laws of motion see below are expressed in terms of individual particles, or fluid elements, which move about. For an inviscid fluid,yg the surface force exerted by the surrounding fluid is normal to the surface, i. Change due to the fact that it moves to a different location in the fluid. Change due to changes in the fluid as a function of time. The scheme is lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics. Lagrange developed his approach in 1764 in a study of the libration of the moon, but it is best thought of as a general method of treating dynamics in terms of generalized coordinates for con guration space. In lagrangian description, any single particle of fluid from the flow is selected and its flow. Generalized coordinates, lagranges equations, and constraints.

The rst is naturally associated with con guration space, extended by time, while the latter is the natural description for working in phase space. Perspectives in complex analysis, di erential geometry and mathematical physics. Nptel syllabus principles of fluid dynamics web course course outline fluid dynamics deals with the study of fluids while in motion. F is the force exerted by the fluid on side 1, on the fluid on side 2. Eulerian and lagrangian descriptions in fluid mechanics. Part 1 basic principles of fluid mechanics and physical. Suppose we have a flow field u, and we are also given a generic field with eulerian specification fx,t. We shall discover later that the situation is rather different when the dynamic forces of a moving fluid stream are considered section 2. Lecture 3 conservation equations applied computational.

Using lagrangians to describe dynamics has a number of advantages it is a exceedingly compact notation of describing dynamics. In general, viscous stress force, s,is also present. The compiled slides of the introductory fluid mechanics course a fundamental course in mechanical engineering prepared by professors sankar kumar som of iit kharagpur and gautam biswas of iit kanpur. If you have watched this lecture and know what it is about, particularly what physics topics are discussed, please help us by commenting on this video with your suggested description and title.

Recall for example, that a symmetry of the lagrangian generally leads. Introduction to fluid mechanics and fluid engineering by prof. Introduction to basic principles of fluid mechanics. Introduction to lagrangian and hamiltonian mechanics. Basic laws of fluid dynamics momentum fluid dynamics. Eulerian and lagrangian description of fluid motion lecture 02. Applications of fluid mechanics in practical life civil. In rigid body mechanics the motion of a body is described in terms of the bodys position in time. Lagrangian density equations of singlefluid and twofluid flows article pdf available in international journal of heat and technology 21. Hence, static pressure is a scalar rather than a vector quantity. Lagrangian and eulerian representations of kinematics. Chapter 7 lagrangian formulation of electrodynamics. Feynmans teacher told him about the principle of least action, one of the most profound results in physics.

The transformation from a lagrangian to an eulerian system requires three key results. This implies that the pdf of any component of velocity difference is normal too. In chapter 3 we introduce the reader to smoothed particle hydrodynamics, a mathematical toolbox that makes lagrangian fluids possible for our purpose. An arbitrary region of fluid divided up into small rectangular elements depicted only in two dimensions. Lecture notes in fluid mechanics laurent schoeffel, cea saclay these lecture notes have been prepared as a first course in fluid mechanics up to the presentation of the millennium problem listed by the clay mathematical institute. Lagrangian approach enables us to immediately reduce the problem to this characteristic size we only have to solve for that many equations in the first place. Comparison of the eulerian and lagrangian methods for. Chakraborty,department of mechanical engineering,iit kharagpur. Hydrostatics, archimedes principle, fluid dynamics 8. In continuum mechanics, whithams averaged lagrangian method or in short whithams method is used to study the lagrangian dynamics of slowlyvarying wave trains in an inhomogeneous moving medium. Computers are used to perform the calculations required to simulate the freestream flow of the fluid, and the interaction of the fluid liquids and gases with surfaces. Journal of computational physics 5, 103124 1970 a lagrangian method for calculating the dynamics of an incompressible fluid with free surface c. From this one can already derive the form of the kinetic energy.

For the love of physics walter lewin may 16, 2011 duration. Lagrangian dynamics most of the material presented in this chapter is taken from thornton and marion, chap. Lines of flow visualization and acceleration of flow. Its original prescription rested on two principles. This investigation is to compare the two modeling methods with an. Pdf new derivation of the lagrangian of a perfect fluid.